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Redware Pottery Manufactured in Morganville, NY

Gene Pratt

The group of three redware jugs pictured above were all manufactured at the Charles Gleason pottery in Morganville. This pottery was in operation during the second quarter of the 19th century and produced a variety of earthenware vessels, flower pots, and drain tile. Each of these jugs is stamped by the maker, “C. Gleason” with one of them also including “Morganville”.

It’s also interesting to compare the glazes and differences in form of the wares that are from the same pottery. Similar glazes on these jugs can also be seen on wares from other notable potteries in the area, namely Alvin Wilcox in West Bloomfield, NY. Employees in the various potteries in the region were known to have been employed in more than one pottery over time possibly contributing to similar glazes. For this reason, it is sometimes difficult attributing a piece of unmarked redware to a given potter based on glaze color alone. When I am asked for an attribution I always state that I am giving an opinion only.

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