Become A Member of GCADA
1. Membership consists of three categories:
Dealer Member: A dealer, over the age of 18, who is actively engaged in the buying and selling of antiques.
Associate Member: An individual, entity, or company that provides a service that is associated with the antique trade.
Honorary Member: One who is not actively engaged in the buying and selling of antiques and that is elected by the GCADA membership to this category.
2. Website Listing: All members are entitled to list their business, contact information, website link and provide information about their inventory on the GCADA website.
3. Directory Listing: All members are entitled to be listed in our directory pamphlet. This pamphlet is updated yearly and identifies members by their location, contact information, and inventory.
4. General meetings: All members may attend regularly scheduled general business meetings.
5. Committees: All members are asked to participate on committees. They are:
Executive Committee
Committee on Ethics, Grievances & Arbitration
Committee on Shows
Committee on Finance
Committee on Friendship
Committee on Legislation & Trade Relations
Committee on Nominations
Committee on Program
Committee on Proposed Membership
Committee on Publicity
Committee on Grants & Scholarships
Committee on Technology
6. Social Events: All members are invited to our summer picnic and our winter Christmas party.
7. Educational Events: All members are invited to presentations that are sometimes available on topics of historical significance.
8. Antique Shows: GCADA sponsors two antique shows annually. The Spring show in March at Nazareth College in Rochester, NY and the Summer show in Canandaigua, NY. Members of GCADA are given the opportunity to exhibit at these shows based upon available booth space. Membership does not guarantee show participation.
9. Grants and Scholarships: A portion of the profit from our shows is donated for this purpose. GCADA sponsors an annual scholarship at Nazareth College in the arts curriculum. When possible a grant or grants are made to area historical not-for-profit organizations.
10. Code of Ethics: All members are required to follow this code, as outlined in our Constitution when dealing with GCADA members and with the general public.
11. Membership Dues: $50.00 yearly.
GCADA Membership Application Information
The Genesee Country Antique Dealers Association invites active antique dealers to apply for membership. We also invite those who provide a service that is associated with the antique trade to apply for associate membership. New members are expected to abide by the Code of Ethics as defined in the GCADA Constitution.
To join, you must fill out a membership application. Only complete applications will be considered. You will need three current GCADA members to be referenced for you and to provide information on your behalf. Additionally, please provide a minimum of three current photos of your booth at shows, a shop or other venues.
Submitted applications will be reviewed and a follow-up reply will be sent to you from the Committee on Proposed Membership.
If you have questions you may contact:
Daine DeVoLder
Completed applications may be submitted online or by printing out the application form and mailing it with your photos to Daine DeVolder.