Hi, I'm Hank, owner of Hedgerow Antiques. I started buying brass candlesticks in 1997. I was working for Lockheed Martin in Owego, NY when my manager came to my office and asked if I would go to the U.K. for 4 weeks where they had a contract with the MOD to manufacture the Merlin helicopter. I said sure and ended up living there for three years. I went with the idea of finding an 18th century candlestick for my 18th century candle stand. When I returned I had purchased over 200 brass candlesticks and realized I needed to open a business. I got lucky and met a dealer who educated me. He is still a good friend though I haven't seen him in awhile because of the current travel restrictions.
My inventory centered on 18th century seamed candlesticks. Seamed refers to the construction. At that time in history brass founders didn't know how to produce a candlestick that wasn't a straight tube.

Someone came up with the idea of casting the column in two halves and braising them together before they were peaned to the base. They could have cast a single solid column but raw brass was expensive and labor was cheap. A little 'huff' of breath on the column will highlight the seams.

Also, the underside of the bases were always turned on a lathe, either hand turned or dog powered. If the underside doesn't show circular rings it very likely isn't an 18th century candlestick. One other thing, as you handle it, it should feel smooth with no rough edges. Remember it has been polished countless times over the centuries.